Sunday, September 9, 2007

taking a personal day

(matt 21, mark 19)

throughtout the 17 years that bob and i ran our business we afforded our employees a personal day to use at their discretion every calendar quarter. after 1 full year of caring for russ full time, i decided to use a personal day.

the boys left for college about 10 days ago in the midst of russ developing his ileus. mark actually left the day russ started showing symptoms but i was able to take him to madison and help him settle in before realizing what was going on. i was to drive down with matt the following day to help him clean and move a car full of things in. that never happened. bob and matt managed to drive down for a brief time with a car load but came right back. matt then delayed going for good for 1 day until he saw what was happening with russ. i felt matt was short changed in this process.

since russ had a stable day yesterday, bob and i got up early and went to church. afterwards we drove to madison (1hour) to see mark for a couple hours and take him out for lunch.

we then left and drove 50 minutes to whitewater to see matt in his apartment. his bathroom needed some major cleaning so bob tackled the shower and i worked on the bathroom sink and tile counter. i also cleaned and oiled all his cabinets. major improvement if i do say so myself. we took matt out to dinner and then drove the 50 minute drive home.

it was such a nice relaxing day and i feel much better for having done it. i needed to know that they were both doing ok and that i tried to help to get their apartments in shape for them, especially matt. it is amazing the appearance of some apartments in college towns and what some landlords can get away with knowing they are renting to students.

both my boys are such good neat guys and i hope that their year in school is a good and fun one. they were such a great help to me with russ over the summer and matt all last school year. but now is time for them to fully experience college and all it has to offer. i wish the same for my friend stef as well.

on the way home i called the in-patient unit and they said russ had a BM this morning after a suppository and was up most of the morning. he did very well but had slept basically all afternoon and didn't eat dinner. what i am most amazed at was that he slept through the exciting packers game! in wisconsin, the green bay packers are a huge deal. maybe that's why there was virtually no traffic on the roads between 12 and 3:30! russ did fine without me today so it was a well spent personal day all around.


Lori1955 said...

I'm glad you had such a nice day with your boys even if you did have to clean. I know it was a labor of love.
Good to hear that Russ had a BM and did pretty well without you. I'm sure you are breathing a little better tonight.

~Betsy said...

Ah - such handsome young men!

I'm glad you took this time for yourself and your family. I understand how you feel - the juggling is always hard and you feel as if someone has been short-changed.

Unknown said...

That's a wonderful post. You have every right to be proud of your boys and I'm so glad you got this day.

That's great on Russ.

Glad you got to help clean up the apartment, too.

SKYGIRL said...

I am so glad to hear of you taking a 'personal' Day Nanc! But gosh, a personal day for me, conjures up images of sandy beaches, palm trees & a good book? Or a Day at the Spa, Lunch & *giggles* with a bunch of girlfriends, you may not have seen for awhile?

But if driving hundreds of miles, and cleaning toilets, & cleaning and polishing furniture, does the trick for you, who am I to judge! LOL!

Really Nanc, in all seriousness, if that is a vacation for you. Yikes! I am glad you got to spend time with your Boys though, which I am sureis what gave you the most pleasure. ;-)

Unknown said...

I'll guarantee you the boys - at least one anyway - are happy about mom's personal day!

¸.•*´)ღ¸.•*´Chris said...

Oh wow, my daughter lives in Madison!! She works at restaurant near the Capital!!

She loves it there and I hope to be visiting her soon.

Excellent post. It's so hard to split up time. I wish there were more hours in the day.