Monday, August 13, 2007

back home

russ is now home. he seemed to get along fine for the most part at the inpatient unit. the nurses said they just loved having him there as he sat out at the desk and kept them company. there was also a student volunteer who spent a lot of time with russ. he did fall at least once and has a bruise/scrape on his arm. his home hospice nurse, janine, will talk to them and see if she can't learn more about what happened. it really made me feel good to know she was concerned about him and how he was treated while he was there.

the interesting thing though was that for the week + he was there, russ wouldn't walk for them and made it difficult even standing for them. i was told he was a 2-3 person transfer/assist at all times. when my sister and i brought him home i was worried how we would get him in the house. well, not to worry. russ got out of the car and walked from the car, into the garage and into the house with no problem what so ever! makes you wonder why he wouldn't do it at respite. would they talk too fast to him?, not give him enough time to process what they wanted him to do?, did he just like all the attention? or was he just being plain stubborn? one of the many mysteries we may never know.

on a worrisome note, i got a call from dunk today. seems like my unk was having chest pains last night and was taken to the hospital. it appears that it was not a heart attack so that is encouraging. he had a chemical stress test today and will have it repeated again tomorrow. i talked to him tonight and he sounded good but anxious to go home. please say a prayer for my unk. i'll keep you posted. thanks.


~Betsy said...

I'm glad to see Russ got along OK at the inpatient unit. It does make you wonder why he wouldn't help with transfers, doesn't it? A mystery indeed.

I'm keeping unk in my thoughts and prayers - hoping it was just indigestion!

I noticed you mentioned being in the health care industry - in what capacity?

StefanieRose said...

YAY I am glad both of you are home safe and sound. :) *huggles*

Unknown said...

Oh Nancy I think he was waiting on you. I'm pretty sure it is just that special relationship between caregiver and loved one. Makes tears come to my eyes. Dad does that, too.

Lori1955 said...

If we are voting, I think he liked the attention. LOL