Sunday, January 20, 2008

empty feeling

the boys both went back to school today - the house seems lonely already.

the packers lost - too many missed opportunities, mistakes and not enough offense.

really cold here(below zero) - plus i have 4-7" of snow to look forward to tomorrow.

it was 4 months ago today that russ died......


~Betsy said...

Oh Nancy - I'm sorry you are having such a bad day. I didn't realize the boys were going back to school nor did I realize the 4 months for Russ. I am truly sorry you are feeling so low.

Brian had a hockey game tonight and all of us parents were gathered around the TV in the lobby of the rink, rooting for the Pack. Dave was tracking the score on his cell phone while we watched our boys play. I really had my hopes up at half time. Just thought you'd like to know you had a large group of Steeler fans pulling for your team.

Hang in there, friend. Some days are harder than others. I'm here if you need me - just say the word.


StefanieRose said...

I am sorry Nancy. I wish there was more I could do then say that. I know how you feel. My apartment is so empty and I am so very alone. At least we all have each other right? Hang in there with me.

¸.•*´)ღ¸.•*´Chris said...

The interception that will never be forgotton. I just about flipped. It was a good tight game though. Thought about you a lot throughout it.

Will the boys be home for Spring break? I get blue when my daughter goes back home. Just never gets easier.

Cold here too hun, but the snow will be pretty to watch. I always enjoy it. We will be getting about the same amount. Perhaps we will have to compare our snow pictures:)

Gentle hugs to you sweetie. The monthly reminders are tough ones. I'm sorry:(

arutherford said...

Nancy, I was pulling for those Packers. Too many mistakes but a great game!
Today is rough, tomorrow will be better. Hang on, April will be here soon. ; }
Love, Ann

rilera said...

Hugs for you Nancy. I'm thinking of you.

SKYGIRL said...

I know these Anniversaries can be hard Nancy. I did think of you when I watched Football, for a nano-second, and they were 20/20 tight game!

It is going to be 41 below zero here today! So, you just don't leave the house! At least I don't!

Buy yourself some bubs that bloom, indoors. I am growing my own Paper-Whites, and bought some cut Daffodils. I decided for me, it is good to get some color (especially Spring Colors) into the House, instead of one of those weird lights, that people that get S.A.D get.

We can share pictures, as in "Oh, lookie, mine is taller than yours, now!" It hasn't even peeked out of the pot yet, but will soon!

You will be happier once you start working again, Nancy. You have so much to give, I bet you just feel 'stuck in the mud' right now, so to speak.

Lori1955 said...

Oh my dear friend, I can just feel the saddness in your post. It breaks my heart. Sending lots of love your way. See you in April for a real hug.

Anonymous said...

Nancy, sending cyber HUGS to you this day.