Saturday, February 2, 2008

end of the month

the end of the month came and went. i have not heard back about the oncology job i am interested in. another company called me yesterday about a position in case management. while not a passion for me, the fact that i could input data from home and somewhat set my own schedule sounds appealing.

this second company will call me monday morning for about a 20 minute phone interview (or so i'm told). these phone interviews continue to amaze me. i understand it may streamline things on their end, but what happened to the face to face talk, gut feeling impressions? although, the thought of being able to do this in my jammies is right up my alley, especially if i find it is not what i'm looking for. after i finish with that, i will call the other place and see what the status of the new position is. i'm hoping that soon i will have a clear sign of what is meant for me.

i talked to pastor dave last week. as i have blogged before patience has never been a strong suit for me. he assured me that the Spirit works in ways we do not always understand so hang in there. still, this patience thing is beginning to wear thin....

i hope everyone remembered to say "rabbit rabbit" yesterday!


arutherford said...

We will never understand God's timing and yet we know it is perfect. But, yes, waiting can be difficult.

Don't pray for patience. I'm sure you heard the story of the woman who prayed for patience and promptly fell down a flight of stairs and had to be in a body cast for months. God took away her options. She HAD to be patient. ;-}

Use this time before it becomes work-structured to do those things you long to do, like sitting by the fire reading, journaling and praying. When I was going through chemo and had to put my life on hold, that's exactly what I did and it served me well for the future. Try thinking of this time as a gift from God, free time to just BE.


~Betsy said...

I think one of these places better soon snatch you up or they will regret loosing a good nurse - a nurse who will bring intelligence, compassion AND common sense to the position. You possess all of those qualities, Nancy.

Hang in there. ((hugs))

¸.•*´)ღ¸.•*´Chris said...

I was glancing through the want-ads today and there are so many for nurses.

Have you tried I have never gone through them before but maybe?

I think there is a nurses networking website too. Here is one I Googled:,GGGL:2006-32,GGGL:en&aq=t

I must admit there is something a little appealing about sitting in your home, in jammies and bunny slippers sipping hot coffee while you work while everyone else is out braving the snow and cold on a freezing Monday morning.

You will find something, I know you will:)

¸.•*´)ღ¸.•*´Chris said...

That link I posted didn't bring up the search I did completely. I did a search for nurses jobs+USA.

There is this one but I didn't check it out:

Lori1955 said...

Well since I consider WORK to be a four letter word, it is hard for me to talk about it. But if I had to do it I would want to do it at home in my jammies. I know it is not the job you want but the right job will come along. And what is it with these phone interviews? Next thing you know they will be doing interviews through email. Shaking my head.

Unknown said...

I would probably do pretty well on an email interview.

Praying for you both for the right jobs complete with the Lord's blessings.

rilera said...

Patience is a hard thing, especially when it comes to having patience for something we really want. Hang in there Nancy. I know the right opportunity is out there waiting for you. We don't know the events that God is setting into motion for us at any given time in order to orchestrate that perfect opportunity.

~Betsy said...

Adding to Chris' post about - we hired a young man through their website about 4 months ago. So far, so good. It's free for the employee but the employers must pay a fee. It keeps the junk employers away.

nancy said...

thanks everyone for your support. i have been using as well as networking like crazy. they say 85% of jobs are obtained through networking. that's how i heard about the oncology job, the case manager was through monster. i will keep you all posted.