Monday, February 11, 2008


when i was younger i used to dream a lot. for the most part they were happy or funny or even strange dreams. they seemed very vivid when i first woke up but then as the day wore on they faded from my memory. i think that is probably true of most people. one recurring dream i had as a youngster, or maybe it was more a nightmare, seemed to repeat itself and last forever. i was probably about 8 or 10 years old. i can still remember it. wolves would somehow get into our house and chase me around the kitchen. i would climb up on the counter tops to try to escape them. they would bark and snap at me until i woke from my dream. to this day whenever i hear the theme song from "peter and the wolf" it sends chills up my spine.

chris posted a week ago that she has been having nightmares. it got me to thinking. i can honestly say that since my mother died almost 2 years ago i have not dreamed. i seriously cannot remember waking up one single morning since her death having had a dream. i wonder if i will ever dream again.


~Betsy said...

I rarely dream since Dad died, too. I don't know what that's about. Sometimes I think I am just still so exhausted that I don't remember a dream more than I don't dream. But I really don't know for sure.

It's such a life-altering event to loose one's parents. I think it affects us far more than we realize - regardless our age.

Here's wishing you sweet dreams in the near future, Nancy.

Nancy said...

thanks betsy for your comment. even though i am starting to sleep better(or longer) these days, i've wondered too if it's still exhaustion or not really getting into a deep REM sleep. here's hoping for sweet dreams for you too!

SKYGIRL said...

I had a reacuring dream as a child too, but it was about a Witch (I think the one from the Wizard Of Oz!) Chasing me, in a Car, and I was in a Car too? Weird? Really scary!

I think it has to do with your quality of sleep. In fact I think the reason you dream mostly in the morning, is because you are in a lighter stage? Also, I found if I eat late, I dream more, I thought because your body is so busy digesting. I called them Pizza dreams! I don't do that now that I am older, and know better!

I think there are ways you can heighten your attention to dreams, like leaving a pad & paper right next to you, in case you wake slighty, you can write them down.

You may be dreaming, and just not remembering them too?

Try "Googling" "Dream State" I think they are important, although my Mother would swear she never had a dream in her life, that she remembered, even before she got ill?

I hope you have sweet dreams too Nanc, once they return!

"Dance Wars" tonight! *Wink*

¸.•*´)ღ¸.•*´Chris said...

Dreams have always fascinated me but when I had those nightmares, it kind of flipped me out. In talking with a friend, I came to realize there was actually a positive meaning to the one.

I think it is about quality of sleep as well. The deeper sleep you get into, the more chance you will dream. It doesn't surprise me that many of us aren't dreaming much if any due to stress and the losses we have had.

Wishing all of us a good night's sleep tonight and always.

Joanne said...

They say that everyone dreams every night. Whether they remember the dreams is another story. ;) I know I've had dreams in the past three years taking care of Mom, but I seldom remember anything other than waking up. Guess I'm not getting enough deep sleep. LOL Hope you have good dreams when you have them. ((HUGS))

Lori1955 said...

I have all faith that you will have dreams again that you will remember and that will bring a smile to your face. Perhaps one day they will even be dreams that you can make into reality. I hope the bad dreams are ones that you will never remember.