Thursday, September 6, 2007


it was a very long day (again) but at least there were some results! the second x-ray still showed a "mild ileus" in the small bowel with gas and stool in the large intestine(i will have to ask the doctor in the am how that differs from a "partial ileus" which the first x-ray showed). a fleets enema was given at 7pm and about 1 hour later there was a LARGE result. what a welcome sight.

now over the next day or two we will have to see if with all the stool softeners, etc. russ is able to produce on his own. even though his results after the enema were great i have to wonder how much of that was still residual just from the large colon and if any of it was from above the ileus in the small bowel. he had gone basically 10 days without a significant BM!

for tonight though i am too tired to think about it. russ slept through basically the entire procedure and clean-up. i guess you could say he was just "pooped out." i feel the same way!

thanks for all your prayers and support. you guys continue to amaze and uplift me!


SKYGIRL said...

Oh Nanc! i was never a parent, to a new born, but can only imagine the kind of sleep, you don't get!

I know when staying with my Mom, I slept with one eye open, just!

In fact I was on-call for Six Years, since moving so far away! I spent a fortune just so she or the hospital wouldn't get a busy signal?

Finlly I am able to 'use' my "Do Not Disturb" without feeling guilty. I figure I couldn't make it there sooner than 24 hours anyway.

Hang In There! N.Mc.

Unknown said...

Wonderful news. Sending up praises.

Lori1955 said...

Oh I am so happy that you got results. I will keep praying that they got it all out. I hope you can finally get some sleep.

~Betsy said...

Oh Nancy, this is WONDERFUL news! I am so happy for you and Russ!

rilera said...

Yay! I'm glad to hear that the Fleet came through. Hopefully Russ is more comfortable now and will soon be on his way home to you.