russ slept well pretty last night. i did too as i decided to go home yet i woke up a few times thinking i heard something on the baby monitor. then i would realize i couldn't have and would wonder how russ was.
yesterday was only liquids for russ. today the doctor came in and said he definitely heard more bowel sounds and wanted to try russ on solid foods. for lunch he had a few bites of hamburger, baked beans, cole slaw and watermelon. for dinner he had a little vegetable beef soup, and a few bites of a ham sandwich. and of course some ice cream, russ loves his ice cream. we will see tomorrow if he is able to keep it down but more importantly if he is able to pass it through, ie poop. i never thought i would be so glad to see someone poop.
i talked to one of the hospice nurses and she said they recently lost someone due to a bowel obstruction and agreed it is a very painful way to go.
russ was able to walk again today so that was good. i want to try to do everything i can to get that peristaltic action going again. he wasn't as alert as yesterday but that could just be the day.
i hope things continue to keep moving in the right direction (no pun intended!). i look forward to getting him back home, where i can use my own bathroom, my own kitchen to heat food up for myself, watch my own tv, and most importantly my own computer to check in more frequently with all my friends blogs. i really miss that connection. i feel i have so much catching up to do. too bad i can't ask to move the hospice computer into russ' room, it sure would make my life easier!
I've been looking and worrying all day. Glad to hear that things are still moving in the right direction. (No Pun intended). Looks like I'm going to have to pray for poop tonight.
Poop prayers from Pittsburgh, too! I have also been watching and worrying all day. I'm glad you found some time to post. I am also very glad to hear you slept in your own bed last night.
Did the boys head back to school this weekend?
This sounds like 'good' news Nancy. And he sure seems to be in the right, with the digestive system!
I think the fact that they are trying solid food is good, because it seems that Doctors are usually VERY conservative about that kind of thing.
If they can live on an I.V. they will let them, I think.
I hope Russ will come home soon too. It would be better for everyone, I would hope.
Hang In There Nancy!
P.S. Do they have a lounge, or a Library @ The Hospital? I am looking for a Computer for you!
Thanks for the update Nancy. Still praying for you and Russ.
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