Tuesday, September 18, 2007

adjusting to home.

this morning i noticed that russ seemed much more congested. he attempted to cough and clear his throat but just had such a difficult time doing that. after about 3 hours he finally succeeded. boy does one feel helpless at that point. i wanted to cough it up for him.

after that he was pretty alert, at least compared to yesterday. the ambulance ride was really hard on him but fortunately with short term memory loss i don't think he has any further recollection of it today. around 11:30 he started licking his lips. i asked he he was thirsty, no response. i asked if he was hungry for dessert (he has always had a sweet tooth) and his eyes grew wide and his mouth opened up. he ate about 3 spoonfuls of peach cobbler, plums with apples (all baby food) and about 5 spoonfuls of thick-it water. i think he enjoyed it but afterwards he slept for about 3 hours. how sad is that to realize that he used up that much energy and strength to eat so little?

lynne, a nurse from the hospice in-patient unit stopped by to see him and help me reposition him. i tell you those nurses are so thoughtful and wonderful. i sure hope they realize that, and what wonderful gifts they give to their patients and their families.

unfortunately janine will not be back until tomorrow. the aide also didn't show, not because she didn't want to but because someone didn't enter the request for 5 days in the computer. i was just told that "janine can do that when she gets back".... oh well, thank goodness she WILL be back tomorrow! a nurse came by late afternoon to check on russ. she suggested that i put a second scope patch on to try to decrease the secretions in russ' throat. she also suggested i use a tylenol suppository before bedtime as he felt warm even though he did not have a fever. i did both. i will try whatever to keep him comfortable. what i really wanted and needed from her was to make sure russ has enough pain patches on hand. i only have 1 left that will go on tomorrow. she will order more.

janine called when she got home. she had heard about the no tuck-in visit. she felt bad but it's not her fault. someone else should have followed-up on that. she was also going to leave a voice message for the office scheduler for victoria to come 5 days. seems like that could have been put in place today if janine could do it from home when she technically wasn't working yet. oh well, don't sweat the small things i guess. like i said as long as russ is comfortable and safe, that's my main concern.

i have thought about lori a lot today. i pray she is doing ok.


SKYGIRL said...

Hi Nancy! Whew! Long Day yesterday! I talked to Lori today, and she is doing remarkably...well...the baby was born! Yeah! I even talked to my friend Connie, in the Hospital, and we had a nice little visit.

Doesn't a "Good" Nurse make all the difference? Shesshhh! I bet you didn't know how lucky people were to get...You!

I started a new "Candle-Vigil" thread for Russ tonight. Lori said you would like that, so I hope it is O.K.

Sweet Dreams Nancy & Russ!

Unknown said...

I may have to get some baby foods I think. The last meal I fed dad he wouldn't eat what little meat was in it but he ate the rest.

He's also having some drainage and trying to clear his throat. It has to be from his sinuses because his lungs are clear. Makes me clear my throat when he does it. Kind of like I open my mouth when I'm trying to get him to open his.

Thanks for reporting on Russ. Hope you are doing well, too.

Lori1955 said...

Oh Nancy, you know how much my heart goes out to you. Helen had that congestion too. The nurse told me there were drops in the E-kit tohelp with that. I tried it but didn't notice any difference.

I'm glad you were able to get a little food in him. I'm also so glad you have such a wonderful nurse. Helen's nurse would also call on her day off. What a blessing these hospice people are.

~Betsy said...

Looks like everyone is adjusting well and I am certain Russ is delighted to be home - even if he can't express it.

I think about you and he all the time and pray you are getting some rest. I know this is hard and very draining, but please try to take care of you...even if just for a little bit.