so many people will always remember what they were doing exactly 6 years ago today. to me it's kinda like when JFK was assassinated. when something so horrific happens in your life, you tend to freeze that moment and those feeling in your mind forever.
so many others, flinty, stef and bigsky girl have already posted on this topic and have done a great job. i think the other thing that i will always remember about 9/11 is that a few weeks later i was up visiting my parents for the weekend. my aunt and uncle were there. my uncle had served in the navy during WWII like my dad did. i remember asking the 4 of them how 9/11 compared to the bombing at pearl harbor.
my uncle immediately spoke up and described his feelings as did my mom and dad's sister. i was surprised that my dad just sat there and said nothing. i found that really odd. i wondered at the time if it was because he was reminiscing and remembering events from WWII.
in january of 2002 russ was officially diagnosed with AD. i have often wondered now if at the dinner table that night he just couldn't remember what the other 3 were talking about, that he had no recollection of 9/11. i think that may be the case because he has never really talked much about the event as others do. maybe it's just as well. living through one event like that was more than enough for most.
my heart goes out today to all those victims of 9/11, their families and the heroes that stepped up that day to save lives.
as an update on russ, today is not a good day. the doctor made rounds this morning and said the bowel sounds were not good. he felt the ileus was rearing up and his stomach was very distended again. he did however have some stool, but liquidy. and this morning russ sounded somewhat rattly, especially when he coughed.
AND to add one more thing to my quiet, calm life, bob's mom fell last pm and spent the night in the ER. she has a silver dollar sized egg on her head. fortunately the CT scan was negative. bob and i may drive up to see her tomorrow around lunch time after i check in on russ. i wish she lived closer. it is about a 2hr 45min drive. at least bob's brother and family are only about 3 minutes away.
Wow Nancy - so sorry about Russ and Bob's mother. At least Russ is in a good place to receive care so you can be gone.
Dad was diagnosed just more than a month after 9/11. He had forgotten so many of his war time stories. He said he remembered Pearl Harbor but I'm not really sure he did.
One thing that causes us all to remember 9/11 is that so many of us witnessed much of it on television. That still amazes me.
Praying for you and Russ and Bob and your family.
Oh Nancy. I am so sorry to hear this new news about Russ. I guess when you get to be 'our' ages, that there is going to be some kind of illness or heart-break, regarding our Parents, no matter what. I always tell 20 somethings, that they don't have to worry for another 30 years or so, to have to face what I do today. I hope that is true.
I had Sugery last year on 9/11/06! Someone had 'bailed' because they got supersticious, I wasn't, so we did it on that day. I remember telling Mother that it would be hard to forget what Day my Surgery was on...And she said "Why, what happened on 9/11??? YIKES!
I guess I 'knew' then that she really did have this awful Disease. But as others have said, somethings are good to forget, at least for them, who needs the added aggrevation, or sadness?
I am so sorry to hear that Russ isn't doing well. It seems that you, flinty and I are all approaching the same time of saddness. I think we need a group hug. Skygirl will have to be our pillar of strength right now cuz I sure don't have any.
You and Russ will be in my heart and in my prayers.
I am sorry Nancy. Its hard to believe that Nonna was diagnosed just one year before Russ. Sometimes I think they are in very different stages, yet other times they seem very similar. I am glad you posted on this topic as well. I enjoyed reading.
oh and i also would like to try and be some support for the three of you: lori, nancy and flinty. even though I am just a kid.
When it rains it pours Nancy. I'm sorry about Bob's mom, but glad to hear the scan was negative.
As for Russ I am really sorry things are slowing down again. I was thinking about him this morning and wondering how he was.
This is such an emotional journey and it just breaks my heart when one of our own isn't doing well. You and Russ and the whole family are in my thoughts and prayers.
"Oh My! "Pillar Of Strength?" I had better do my push-ups tonight, instead of....sleep! I do know that my worry's and concerns, are on a much different level, than all of yours. However, it is all based in Love. Total and all incompasing Love.
We hurt, when our Loved Ones do, and that is called "Empathy!" Even when our fellow Caregivers do, and that is called "Compassion!"
I hope for renewed strength, & courage for us all, in the days to come.
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