russ is much better today!!! he is not out of the woods yet, but maybe a step in the right direction. he woke up this am about 9:30, opened his eyes and smiled at me! i can't tell you how that made me feel. that in itself was more than he had done in the last 48 hours. bob and matt showed up around 10:30. we decided to get him up and see what he could do. the nurses were aprehensive yet i knew if he would get up for anyone, it would be me. well, not only did he stand but he walked with me partway down the hallway, more erect than his usual slumped over walk. the nurses and even the MD who arrived during this were downright shocked.
his stomach this am has louder bowel sounds and even though it is still distended, it is not as rock hard. we are going to try to push some liquids today and see what happens. russ had another suppository about an hour and a half ago but no results yet. the MD does not want to give any oral laxatives at this point until we see if he can have more BM's and keep the liquids down without vomiting. so he is by far out of the woods yet. right now he is sleeping.
his blood work came back looking pretty good except for some electrolytes off due to the dehydration from not drinking but no signs of infection. he does however have a slight temp this am. not sure what that might mean. the urinalysis is not back yet. holiday weekend i guess.
i'm afraid to get too excited but at least we are headed in the right direction for now. last night he had an episode where his breathing became so shallow and slow i thought we might lose him. so to not only have him awake this am, but able to walk is pretty remarkable. i am thankful for this time we have today and that is good.
all of my prayers and all of your prayers were heard. i truly believe that. i still pray for God's will to be done yet i also pray that it will not be due to a ileus, or blocked bowel. that i fear would be a very painful way to go.
who knows, i may even go home tonight and get some sleep. what an idea.....
I'm so glad that he was able to get up and walk. I will keep praying as I know that was just one step in the right direction. I know that I too say "Thy will be done" but the truth is that what I really mean is that I want Helen to go in her sleep, peacefully and without any pain. I'm just hoping that God has the same idea.
Amen, i totally agree lori.
..And here it is! My Silver~Lining! Thank you Nancy! These little moments, and little miracles, don't seem that small, during this AD journey! We'll take them!
I'm so happy to hear this! Even a n "I Love You!" or a nod of recognision, would have done the trick, but a walk down the hall???
AWESOME! N.Mc. ;-)
That's a pretty good report. Still praying for you both.
I hate staying in the hospital. I don't think anything is more tiring. I hope you both can get back soon.
I'm so glad to hear that Russ is showing some improvement. That's great news. And to even be able to get him up and walk a few steps is indeed a miracle.
May God continue to richly bless you and give you His strength and wisdom.
Great news Nancy! Now it's time for you to get some rest. You'll need your strength when you bring Russ home.
I'm so glad for Russ and for you. I pray that he continues to do better and that soon he will be home with you and your family.
*HUGS* i miss you.
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