Wednesday, September 12, 2007

hard decisions

i came in this morning to learn that russ had a temp of 100.6 axillary. (really 101.6). when the MD made rounds he said he can hear congestion in his left upper lobe. he wanted to get a chest x-ray and start antibiotics. i again struggled with this. to make a long story short, he will not get the x-ray or the antibiotics. he will instead start a scopolamine patch to try to decrease the secretions.

russ seems comfortable and not in pain. i had a long talk with one of the nurses. she said last evening he had a tough time. when they got him back in bed after being up for a couple of hours, his mouth and lips were dusky in color, his breathing has become what they call "purse like", very rapid and shallow, and his lower extremities were mottled.

i really feel things are starting to shut down. he is usually arousable but will sleep if not up.

this is so hard. i want him to be comfortable yet i am choosing no aggresive treatments for him. i do think this is what he would want. he has deteriorated so much since he has been here.

on a positive note, his bowels seemed to be working yesterday.

please say a prayer that russ remains comfortable. thank you.


Lori1955 said...

Oh Nancy, my heart breaks for you. I think you did the right thing in deciding against the antibiotics. I truly understand what a difficult decision that was. I am glad that Russ is not in any pain at this point.
Let me know if there is anything I can do for you my dear friend.

~Betsy said...

These decisions you are forced to make break my heart. I know in my gut you have done the right thing, but it doesn't make things any easier. I know if this were me, I would do the same.
If you need someone just to talk with, I'm available on my cell phone all day and all night.

Stay strong, Nancy. You are a wonderful advocate for Russ.

Unknown said...

I'm praying for you and Russ.

mooch said...

Nance -
Such difficult days for all of you, but what grace you courage you demonstrate. I will continue to keep Russ and all of you in my prayers.

mom2fourgirls said...

nancy, i read your posting each night before i can go to sleep. i am sad tonight and have tears, but i know you made the right decision as hard as it was. he is comfortable and resting. the scope patch will help the congestion. trying to get yet another medication down him each day especially with his swallowing wouldn't have been successful. i know we would all agree with your decision. you, russ and sue have been in my prayers and i will continue to pray for all of you.

give russ a kiss from me and tell him i will see him on saturday pms.

i am off tomorrow, thursday, if you would like a break, call and we can catch a bite to eat. (262-538-0848) the girls are on the bus by 8:30.

god bless you.....

¸.•*´)ღ¸.•*´Chris said...

Thinking about you and Russ tonight. Please take care and know you are doing what you can for him to keep him comfortable.
Hugs to you both

nancy said...

thank you ALL for your prayers and support. it means so much to me.

lori, my heart aches for you as well. i wish we lived closer to commiserate together. hugs.

betsy & flinty, i really appreciate you both. you both have followed my blogging from basically the beginning along with lori and i feel a real bond with you.

mooch, thanks for your prayers. you must still be so raw from ray's recent death. my prayers are with you as well.

mom2fourgirls, you are such a special nurse to russ and i can't tell you how touched i am by your offer.

chris, thank you for your kind words. you too are still reeling from your recent loss. i appreciate your thoughts.

we just got back from up north seeing bob's mom. she seems to be doing fine, just tired and bruised. we stopped to see russ on the way home. he is sleeping comfortably and the report is no pain or discomfort. i pray that continues.

Jamielee said...

Keeping you and Russ in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that he will not be in any pain, and that when God is ready for Russ to join him, it will be in his sleep. You have an amazing support system here, and I'm so pleased to be a part of it. All my love to you as you deal with this difficult time.


Unknown said...

I appreciate you, too, Nancy. Praying for you and Russ today.

nancy said...

thanks jamie,
if it were not for you i may never have found all my friends through the alz. board. i will be indebted to you forever!

Lori1955 said...

Nancy, I keep trying to catch you on the board for an update. Please let us know what is going on. Take my hand dear friend so we can walk this path together.