Thursday, September 13, 2007

a decision was made

earlier this week as well as yesterday, hospice gave me the impression that russ would be staying here until the end. they questioned the transfer to go back home, how difficult it might be on him, would he know he was home, etc. i really struggled with that. i have always thought and wanted russ to die in my home with me by his side. i kept thinking, was i being selfish wanting to take him home?

this morning the staff had their weekly conferences and felt that russ is now stable from the ileus, what he was admitted for, and it would be difficult to justify to medicare his continued stay. the scopolomine patch seems to be working well as he is not near as congested this am and has no fever. i was then told they needed to discuss discharge plans with me.

how relieved i was! i would no longer have to make that decision, it was being made for me and one i feel very comfortable with.

i know it will be difficult yet i feel comfortable with it. hospice is helping me to look into additional help as russ is about 200# dead weight. (pardon the expression). he will come home with oxygen and a foley. hopefully the foley will help prevent skin breakdown.

resources are not plentiful for russ but he should have more than enough for the time he has left.

he is sleeping at least 20/24, hardly eating at all and his color and circulation does not appear to be good.

i thank God for answering my prayers on this.


SKYGIRL said...

Oh, Nancy! So do I! I am so glad you did not have to make that difficult decision!

God is indeed Good! I know this was your hearts desire, and here it is.

Amazing...Please keep us posted as to how You & Russ are doing!

Unknown said...

I suspect Russ would want to be with you at your home. I know my dad wants to be here at his home. I'm praying for you and Russ and your family.

Jamielee said...

I'm glad that Russ gets to come home. I'm sure he wants to be as close to his family for as long as possible. While his body may be sleeping the majority of the time, his soul knows that his loved ones are nearby, and I'm sure that brings him comfort and peace.

rilera said...

I'm so glad things worked out and you didn't have to decide. It's a very difficult decision. You and Russ are in my prayers.

~Betsy said...

I responded to this post earlier but somehow it disappeared. Hmmm.

Anyway, I think the best place for Russ is right there with you and your family. I also think he will know when he is at home.

My continued prayers are with you, Russ, Bob and the boys.

arutherford said...

This will be a sacred time for you and your Dad. I am glad hospice is going to be there to help you make the transition home. You continue to be such a witness to the power of trusting God. You are His child. He will walk with you every minute. Lean into His everlasting arms when you grow weary and know that He is waiting with outstretched arms to welcome your Dad into a world where Alzheimer's doesn't exist.

Praying for you, Russ and your family.

nancy said...

THANK YOU everyone for your comments. ann what a beautiful post, it brought tears to my eyes.

~Betsy said...

Just checking in to see how you and Russ are today. Praying for you all.

Lori1955 said...

I am so glad he is coming home. I couldn't see doing this any other way and I don't think you could either. My heart is intertwined with yours right now.

StefanieRose said...

I am sorry that the decision has to be made, but glad that it is made and over. I know its scary. Know that we are here for you. Lean on me if you need to, cry with me if you need to. ((((((((nancy)))))))))