Saturday, March 22, 2008


(matt, mark and russ dying eggs 2 years ago in S.C.; my blogger egg; matt and mark dying eggs this year)

Easter has always been a time for being with family and friends. when i was little, i remember going to my grandparents. i can still remember getting a new dress with a bonnet. back then i didn't get dressed up a lot as i liked playing outside but when i did, i went all the way and dressed to the hilt. i remember my mom telling me how i not only wore the dress and bonnet on Easter, but also the lacy socks, patten leather shoes, a purse, and of course the little white gloves. i would walk around very carefully with my hands up (kinda like you see surgeons doing on tv) so as not to get my hands dirty. i can only imagine...

when my boys were little, i use to dress them up in matching outfits for Christmas, Easter and other special occasions. early on we use to go see russ & gene for Easter and when the boys were in late grade school we starting driving to S.C. (fripp island) for Easter with my sister's family and another family. we would rent a big house and spend spring break down there. 2 or 3 of the years russ and gene would join us. 2 years ago, we even took russ there with us. it was just the 5 of us. it was hard to hear him tell me what a beautiful area it was, and how glad he was to see it as this was someplace he had never visited before. i didn't have the heart to tell him differently. i am just so thankful that he enjoyed himself while in the moment.

last year, russ was unable to travel that far. or maybe the better explanation is that i didn't have the energy to try to take him there again and also didn't think the change in routine would be good for him.

this year, mark and matt have different spring breaks and with me just starting a job, it was also not meant to be. it will just be a quiet Easter. mark is still in arizona so we are down to 3; bob, matt and me.

like betsy posted, even though our kids are older, i still enjoy watching them dye Easter eggs and i think think they enjoy it as well. this year was no different. i had them dye them last weekend when they were both home. i asked them if i could do a few this year as well. the egg above is for all my blogger friends and their LO's who died this past year. i apologize for the poor handwriting but the thought is still there.

Easter is a time of rebirth and that is what i hope for myself and the rest of you. i pray that for all of us who have lost someone this past year we will continue to grow and figure out the purpose of our lives. for those of you still caregiving, please know you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers too.

as i look out the window at the 14+" of snow that was dumped here yesterday, the sun is out and it is a beautiful day. i hope for many more beautiful days, hopefully a lot more of them without snow! we are officially into spring so i look forward to the melting and greening up around here.

a Blessed Easter to you all!


Anonymous said...

Nancy, as my tears flow, my heart is smiling as I read your "blogger egg". What a cool idea!

"Easter is a time of rebirth and that is what i hope for myself and the rest of you. i pray that for all of us who have lost someone this past year we will continue to grow and figure out the purpose of our lives. for those of you still caregiving, please know you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers too."

I could not have said it better. I absolutely agree with you and send this same thought right back to you! You continue to be in my prayers as well.

Lori1955 said...

What a great post Nancy. It brought a smile to my face picturing you all dressed up and trying not to get dirty. :)

Love the blogger egg. Can't imagine it was easy writing on an egg.

Happy Easter my friend.

~Betsy said...

Thank you so much for the egg. That's just like you to think of others!

I also did the frilly Easter dress as a child. Come to think of it, I really loved that - made me feel like a princess!

Sorry for the snowfall. That's an absurd amount!

Easter Blessings to you, Nancy.

rainbowheart said...

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter. The blogger egg is just cool. It is snowing in your neck of the woods and I mowed the lawn yesterday, worked in the flower gardens. It is Spring here and we are having some wonderful weather. I know that everyone that is under snow is ready for the sun and flowers to start blooming. Take care..hope that you have a good week.

rilera said...

Nancy, I hope you had a blessed Easter. Thank you for sharing the picture of Russ and the boys coloring eggs; it's priceless. Here's hoping our snow melts quickly but not fast enough to cause flooding. {{Hugs}}

StefanieRose said...

awww nancy... I am sorry I have not been reading lately... this egg is beautiful. Thank you for including me and my nonna. It really is wonderful. *hugs* my friend. I love the other photos too. I never saw guys decorate eggs before! lol. see you Thursday maybe?

¸.•*´)ღ¸.•*´Chris said...

I didn't think an egg would get me teary eyed but it did. Thank you for doing this.

I remember the days of getting dressed up in our Easter best and going to church and then out to eat. There was just something so special about the whole thing. Thanks for bringing it back to me.

Hugs sweetie.

StefanieRose said...

I meant to ask you, did someone eat the blogger egg? lol.

Unknown said...

I had not seen the blogger egg. Thanks so much for it.