Sunday, April 13, 2008

adjusting to work

i am finding with my new job that i am so exhausted when i get home. i don't have much energy. all i want to do is just veg out on the couch. i remember the last few months of russ' life, it seemed that all i did was sit on the couch next to him and frequently wish i could get up and do something else. now i long to get home and do nothing else!

after russ died, i took about 6 months off before getting back into the work force. and even for his last year of life i had cut down tremendously, only working part-time, maybe 2-3 days a week. i really needed that time off to grieve and regroup and am glad that i did so. however, getting back into the work mode, much less a new full time job in a brand new arena has been challenging. the first week and a half was necessary yet somewhat boring. going over standards and universal health care codes and policies; these were things that i had given to our employees over the years.

the last week and a half has been much better. i started shadowing different nurses who travel to the different hospitals. there we review charts and talk to the members(patients) about discharge needs and answer any questions they have. it has been extremely more stimulating and interesting. i have found myself reaching deep down into my old knowledge base, thinking, "oh yeah, i remember studying that or having taken care of someone with that so many years ago." i am also having to learn where in each hospital i need to go sign in, where charts are kept, and who are my resource people. so much information and such a little brain!!!! i'm walking about 3 miles a day which is great, that isn't what is wearing me out, it's the information overload. i have this upcoming week to follow my last 2 people and then hopefully i will find out which hospital(s) i will primarily be responsible for and be on my own. their thought is to get me familiar with all the milwaukee hospitals so if someone is sick or on vacation i can cover.

everyone i have worked with seems very nice and willing to help and answer my questions. they have made me feel very welcome which i appreciate. i am still optimistic that once i really feel comfortable doing this, it will be for me the flexibility that i desire. i hope this explains why i have been absent for awhile and hope to soon have more to post about. i still think of all of you often and hope you have a good week!


SKYGIRL said...

Oh Nanc! I am so glad you posted about your new job, your new life! I have often wondered how you were doing, and 'knew' having a new full-time job, would be quite the transition!

Too bad Hospice & Palative Care doesn't pay, it would be, I think, the perfect spot for you.

And guess what, we are not 20 years old anymore! I hate to break that to you! My Bosses recently, have been all of 22 years old! Brilliant, Driven & Healthy! Too only be 20 Years-Old-Again!

I love the expression, that 'youth' is wasted on the 'young' so true! If I only knew then, what I know now? But we only learn it, from experience?

Please, keep us posted, we care! N.Mc. ;-)

~Betsy said...

I am so glad to see a post from you! I was beginning to worry! I'm sure you will adjust just fine but it will take a little time. Hang in there, buddy! (((hugs)))

nancy said...

i had to laugh at your comment sky. you are right, all the nurses i am following around are in their late 20's to mid thirties except for the one gentleman who is 67! he makes me at 53 seem young! (although he does a great job)

¸.•*´)ღ¸.•*´Chris said...

I'm so happy you are enjoying your new job! And I can't wait to have you tell me about all about it IN PERSON on Saturday!!!!!

Hugs sweetie. You are truly awesome!

Joanne said...

Nancy, I'm so glad you posted and are doing fine. I'm sure after being self-employed for all those years this job is quite different but I think you'll do wonderful on your new job. You're just the right person to have in charge of gathering all that information that is needed and keeping it filed in your head. After all, you've already been there and done that. :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy! I am happy to see a new post from you. Also glad to hear that "positive" note in this post -You sound like you are enjoying being back in the work force!

Thinking of you and praying that you make this adjustment back into the big world easily and that you find your nitch! (hugs)

p.s. I hope that you (or one of you lucky people) will post photos after the family meeting - I'm getting that green eyed monster feeling about now! ;)

rilera said...

Nancy, I'm glad to hear that you are starting to adjust to your new job and that you are liking it. I hope it continues to go well for you.

I've been meaning to thank you for the advice especially about the bed pads. They have been a life saver for Mom and me. Thanks!

* Diana * said...


I'm so excited for you getting to go back to work (LOL, sounds weird in the same sentence...."excited," and "work"). I've been an LPN for 25 years. Always trying to get back for that final 9 mos to my RN, but something always gets in the way. Family illnesses, layoffs, you name it. Mom passed away in 2005 and I was her caregiver. She left me a little something and made me promise to get back to school and "get that RN." Well, DH's AD put the brakes on that. Now, truthfully, I am scared to death just thinking about going back to work.

Lori1955 said...

I'm so glad you are enjoying the job. I think once you are on your own, you will like it even more. I'm sure you are exhausted but try to save some energy for this weekend. Party time girl!!

rainbowheart said...

It is so good to hear that you are enjoying your job. I hope that you have a great visit with Chris and the other Saturday...have fun and take care...