Saturday, July 21, 2007

thank goodness for the fire department!

right before noon today everyone was gone except for russ and me. i was attempting to get him out of his recliner and into the transport chair for lunch and i was aware that it wasn't going to happen. he went sliding down to the floor. after numerous attempts to get him up i realized it wan't going to happen without one of "my big strong guys." russ said he was comfortable on the floor (bless his heart), but i knew it could be several hours before anyone returned home.

i called the non-emergency fire department number and within 10 minutes they had russ up and in his chair ready for lunch. he thanked them for helping (without prompting i might add) but after they left he kept making this whirling noise with his mouth and moving his hands back and forth. after a while i finally figured out he was trying to tell me how fast he had thought they had been able to get him up. when i asked him if that was what he was trying to tell me he got big eyes, shook his head yes and said WOW.

wow is right, it was pretty amazing.


Lori1955 said...

I'm surprised they got there so fast for a non emergency. My fire department is right across the street. I wonder how long it would take them?
I am glad that Russ slid gently to the floor and didn't hurt himself.

nancy said...

i was too since we live in a somewhat rural area and on nights and the weekends they are all volunteers. they were 2 young guys but great with russ

~Betsy said...

Hooray for volunteer firefighters! My dad was one for 32 years - a noble cause for sure. Im glad to see neither you nor Russ were hurt. Never a dull moment, huh?

rilera said...

As an Alzheimer's child too, I find your messages so poignant. My mom also feel and we too had to call for help. My mom still remembers that even after nearly a month. Isn't it interesting how these memories continue while others fade away?


nancy said...

yes, the AD mind works in a strange way. thanks for taking the time to read my site. i will take a look at yours as well.

rilera said...

I love the photo of you with Russ. I can tell you have a special relationship.