my dad served in the navy during WWII. we have found, not surprisingly, that there are times he can’t understand what we want him to do. actually my 2 sons were the first to think to talk to him in language he might remember, ie, military lingo. when russ first stands up, bob will tell him to “wait until you get your sea legs under you.” or when we need him to turn, matt will tell grrr ”turn the boat”. if we are trying to get russ to walk up straight instead of hunched over i remind him to “stand at attention.” mark has been the one this summer who frequently helps me put russ to bed. every night mark will salute grrr once he is laying down and say “goodnight sailor, carry on.” frequently russ will salute him back and say the same. what precious memories these are becoming.
Love the photos of Russ Nancy. Thanks for the lovely story. Mom too has trouble understanding things, I like the idea of putting it into terms she will understand.
Great post, Nancy! Your sons are angels - they GET IT!
By the way, Russ was a handsome young sailor!
That's a wonderful post Nancy. Thanks for sharing. Reminds me of the chorus of that country song:
You don't count the heartache
You don't count the sacrifice
All that counts is what you feel inside
It doesn't really matter what is gained or what is lost
When it comes to love, you don't count the cost
he doesn't always understand but more times than not he does. so.... whatever works!
thanks i think russ was very handsome too and obviously so did my mom! and yes my boys DO get it!
what a great chorus. can't say i recognize it but how approriate! thanks.
That is just the sweetest story.
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