it has been a little over a week since i have started blogging and i thought it was a good time to reflect on that. i originally started this with the intention of recording my feelings, thoughts and some memories as my dad and i travel what appears to be the final lap of his journey with alzheimer's disease. while i still feel that is what i want to capture by writing this, others things have also come to realization.
i have found this to be extremely therapeutic for me. sometimes, although not always, just putting my feelings on paper makes me feel better about things. i have a new sense of urgency daily to want to sit down at the computer and start typing. i have also found myself thinking about things i would like to write about, memories of my dad i want to share.
i have received e-mails or phone calls from those i have given out my blog address to telling me how they have enjoyed reading my blog. whether it has been russ' hospice nurse, the regional services coordinator at the alzheimer's association, or friends and family i have appreciated you taking the time to read it. i do not write though for the compliments or positive reinforcment, i write because it helps me to express my feelings and thoughts about what i'm experiencing, both the good and the bad.
i have also really appreciated the comments on my posts from my "AD friends" but maybe so far, the most pleasant surprise is that i have met new friends on the internet who have discovered my blog and have responded. in turn i am now following their experiences and am gaining knowledge and insight into their journeys. even though we have never met and in all likelihood may never meet, i feel blessed that our paths have crossed and i look forward to traveling this difficult road together with my AD caregiver friends for you truly know what i'm going through and feeling. you know who you are and i thank you.
and last but certainly not least is my feeling that by blogging i somehow feel closer to both God and my mother. maybe she is looking over my shoulder giving me the encouragement and strength to continue every day. i know that God is and without that faith this would even be more difficult than it is.
Sharon and I
6 years ago
Interesting post Nancy. I was thinking today about my own subjects for blogging. Sometimes I start out thinking one thing and then I surprise myself with something else. There is a therapeutic aspect both to writing and reading I think. I will have to think about the spiritual aspect of blogging. Hadn't really considered that. Keep up the good work.
you are so right, it is therapuetic to read other blogs as well. i know i have really enjoyed yours. thanks and keep on posting!
I know what you mean about it being theraputic to blog. I have been so surprised at how much I enjoy it and reading others. I have looked on your site several times today waiting for you to write.
By the way, we will someday meet. I intend to meet everyone on the AD board someday.
it would be nice to meet someday. who knows, maybe when i come out to visit unk & dunk someday!
You put into words so well exactly how I feel about blogging. I know just what you mean about the desire to sit at the computer every problem is, I usually have to set aside an hour or more to post because I'm so wordy, which I can't do all the time! Thanks for expressing your thoughts.
Well said, Nancy. I have also become almost addicted to blogging - there is something so therapuetic about it. I've always been a writer and journaler, but there is just something about this....I am also so grateful for the AD families I have met. You all help me to keep my sanity. Peace and blessings to you all.
nancy, it is such a release to blog. I started 2 years ago before my mom was diagnosed. I'm glad I found your blog. And I'm glad that it is helpful for you to use it. I know that I get a lot from reading and knowing that others are out there experiencing this awful thing called Alzheimer's.
i'm glad others find blogging as useful as i do. keep on posting.
at first i was a little scared because writing was never a forte of mine in school. but the words just seem to flow and i realized that those reading it are not being critical of the structure, etc but rather reading it for the content and message.
yes, release is another good word to express what blogging does for me. thanks for further defining it!
I am glad your blogging now to! :) I really like those photo's above, its so nice to see old photo's we should all post them more often! :D
stef, thanks for your kind comments and thanks for taking a look!
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