today i accepted a position. am i thrilled with it? to be honest no, but it's been 2 months since i started looking and i guess i'm just tired of this process and want to be done with it. i will start in 2 weeks at a major health company doing case management. every morning i will go into the office, have a meeting and get my to-do list for the day. then i will be off to the hospital(s) to review charts and possibly talk with patients and their families about whether or not services are covered under their plan. fortunately, i will not be the heavy to decide that, that decision will be made by the medical staff. the things that are appealing about this is once i am fully orientated (they say about 6 months) i have the option of going home after the hospital visits to input the data from home. once trained, i will also be working independently and have a lot of autonomy. this is important to me having owned our own business for the last 18 years. i think it will be very hard to adjust to not being the one to make major decisions about things like i have been doing. the benefits seem very good at this point as well. i start out with 23 PTO days (vacation and sick). that is a little over 4 weeks. for someone who typically is not sick very often, that is great. i will also not have to be on call or work weekends or holidays. so there are definitely some good pluses. i always said i would take something and if i didn't like it after bob found something i could look elsewhere. once i am fully trained this is definitely the type of position that would afford me to look and interview without them knowing it, thus jeopardizing my position. and who knows, after i really get used to it, i may love it for the flexibility if nothing else. that and i really think compared to other jobs this could be very low stress. always a plus!
i was really disappointed about the other job. last monday i had had my final interview for the oncology nursing position. the nurse over the whole program made a comment to me that after i had met with the staff the previous week, some of the staff were concerned about someone new coming in. maybe "my skills weren't as current as they wanted" and also "how i would fit in with all of them" (one nurse having been there 27yrs). i'm sure most of these comments were coming from the one nurse who i thought was brash. well, i had a gut feeling then that this was not going to work out and unfortunately i was right. i was disappointed and then angry. i know i could have done a good job for them, and i feel that with all their longevity, maybe what they need IS someone to come in from the outside but.....bob said things have a way of working out the way they are meant to be. he is probably right, if they have not found someone in the last year and a half and the interim person does not want to keep doing this job, that should be telling me something. yet, it always hurts to admit that someone doesn't want you. and actually, the people with the new position are taking a much bigger risk, i don't have near the experience in case management as i do in oncology. oh well....
so now as i look ahead to the fact that i will be working full time in 2 weeks, i suddenly start thinking about all the things that i had wanted to do since russ died, the cleaning of closets, the organizing of picture albums, etc. all that fun stuff right!?! well, most of that is going to have to wait until ?. i may get some of it done, but not a lot of it. oh well..... now i look at it as i have 2 weeks to plan lots of fun things to do instead! wish me luck!!!
Congratulations Nancy! I'm glad you found a job. It sounds like a good one too. Your husband is right; things have a way of working out for the best. Bask in the glow of the new job. I think there is a purpose for you in this position.
Hey Nancy, so happy about the new job! My SIL was a case manager for many years (she is also an RN) and enjoyed it. Good luck to you with this. You will be wonderful!
Congratulations on the new job. I know you were disappointed about the other one but frankly anyone who didn't want you is an idiot and why would you want to work for idiots? For right now, you are exactly where you are suppose to be. Just know that and enjoy!
Excellent news, Nancy! I hope you find some peace and happiness in your new position. I also believe things have a way of working out and I trust God puts us right where He wants us to be. Guess He wants you in case management! :)
I'm REALLY happy for you.
I am so glad you have found something that will work for you. I wish you had your dream job but like I heard you say once before, you can always keep looking and when you find it then TAKE IT! Good Luck! WE are ALL pulling for you at this new job. :)
Congratulations on the job! I'm so happy for you. As for the other position--they missed their opportunity to have a really great person on their team. Everything always happens for a reason. :D
Work is good. I like the sound of this job. I also agree with Bob on tings working out. The other job might have had rewarding work but the personal relationship issue can make any job so terrible.
I continue praying for Bob - and you, too.
The other stuff isn't that important actually.
I really agree with Lori as usual: "Idiots!!" Ha!
Congratulations Nancy!!! Case management is a cool job. Not to mention the 23 PTO days, you can't beat that. I put in a application earlier this week with a really really good company to work for and I'm hoping to hear from them next week for an interview. I hope that you will enjoy your new position. Keep us posted.
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