Thursday, March 20, 2008

6 months

today was 6 months since russ died. i can truthfully say that i had an ok time with it. i was ever conscious of the fact but i was not sad, i felt at peace. maybe i am finally starting to get over this heaviness of grief. even if it is short lived, i am grateful for today. today was the first anniversary of sorts i felt like smiling as i remembered. today was good. thank you God.


Lori1955 said...

I'm so glad you were ok with today. I hope you have many more days of smiles. You deserve them.

~Betsy said...

I'm thankful you were OK today, too. It's good to see. (((hugs)))

rilera said...

I'm glad you are experiencing some healing from your grief. I have a card that someone gave me when my dad died. It says "Not gone, just gone on ahead". Somehow that comforts me.

Anonymous said...

Sending you cyber hugs, Nancy.

Glad to hear that you were able to be "ok" today. That is my goal as well, just to be "ok" as I face every day!