i am a superstitious person and i think most people who really know me would agree. i always have been. i guess i inherited that from my mom, who inherited it from her mom. there are definite things and rituals i must do.
today is the first of the month and so i said "rabbit rabbit" this morning. don't ask me where this originated from as i'm not really sure. someone in high school once told me that one is suppose to say rabbit rabbit the first thing every morning of a new month. if you do you will have good luck for the month. so.... every month i do and make sure bob and the boys do as well. now that the boys are in college, i text them to remind them.
i have many other superstitions that i follow. being of german descent, pork and sauerkraut must be eaten on new year's day along with burning a bayberry candle to bring good luck for the new year.
being that i was born in october and so was my mom, opals are our birthstone. all of her opals were automatically passed down to me in that it is bad luck to wear opals if it is not your birthstone. if i see people wearing them i will ask them if they were born in october. if they say no, i bite my tongue but secretly think to myself that they have no business wearing them and say a silent prayer that they will not have bad luck.
some other silly things i do that were instilled in me are, never put new shoes on a table, never cross someone on the stairs in a home, always lift your feet going over railroad tracks (i have become very talented doing this while driving). i also will not fall asleep in a car with my feet on the ground for fear we might cross some tracks.
these are just a few. many people have told me how weird i am or give me strange looks as i describe this fetish i have. one of these days i plan to look into the origins of some of my specific superstitions. but now a part of me just likes remembering to do these things as it continues to remind me of my mom.
so rabbit rabbit everyone! it's not to late to start!!
Hmmmmmmm. I can't think of a single superstition that I have. You do know that if I was there seeing you do these thing I would be ROFLMAO. LOL
I love looking up things. This is what I found about the origins of 'Rabbit Rabbit': http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_rabbit
My father was very superstitious and to a certain extent so is Mom. I remember things like 'don't sing before breakfast or you'll have bad luck' from my childhood. My father, being a mariner, was very superstitious.
you would not be alone in laughing at me. bob and the boys kid me a lot yet they never balk at eating the pork sauerkraut....
thanks for the link. i enjoyed reading about the history to rabbit rabbit. i haven't heard about no singing before breakfast, i wonder how many times i've done that???
OK this might explane a lot... I never said Rabbit Rabbit at the start of any month. hummm
I like you even though you have strange superstitions. :-P
Well then, "Rabbit, Rabbit" to you as well! I don't need any bad luck following me around!
I've never heard of this before.
However, my great aunt used to call my uncle to dinner by yelling his name for the entire neighborhood to hear. His name was Robert. She would yell, "Rabbit...Rabbit come home"! One of those passed down stories in my family (maybe she was just wishing good luck and they never knew)!
I too try to remember to say rabbit, rabbit on the first day of each month. More times than not I forget and honestly I can't tell any difference but it's fun.
We used to have a cleaning woman who came every Friday, except Fri. the 13th. She stayed in bed all day!
Hope you are enjoying our gorgeous fall weather.
Just wanted to pop in and tell you what a sweet pic of that bunny. I love it!
Take care Nancy and hugs to you!
I'm superstitious, too. I wonder if it's a hockey mom thing? :D
Dave tells me that in England the term is white rabbit and it has to be said first thing in the morning of the first day of the month. If you say anything before white rabbit, you will have bad luck for the month.
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