Tuesday, November 20, 2007

happy thanksgiving

tomorrow we will be leaving to go to galesburg, il for thanksgiving. it is where russ was born and raised and most of my relatives on russ' side still live.

ever since i can remember we have gone to galesburg for thanksgiving. initially my grandma used to cook the dinner. after she died, russ' older sister had the dinner. she is now 86 and about 10 years ago, the torch was passed to my cousins who live in town. the meal has been at either of 2 cousin's home's, depending upon who won (or lost) the coin toss.

this year we are anticipating over 60! as the numbers increase it is becoming more difficult to seat us all at one house, even with moving out all the living room furniture and filling it with tables from the church. each of us are assigned a dish to bring so the person hosting only does the turkey(s) and potatoes. all those living in town bring the rest of the hot dishes. this year we are going to gather at the church in town where my dad and his siblings grew up and many of my cousins were baptized if not married.

the church has a huge kitchen with multiple ovens. the chairs and tables are already there. there will be the nursery for those really young ones (4th generation) and the youth room (for the 3rd generation). the thing they are still working on is how to get a big screen TV there so we can watch the packers beat detroit!

hopefully it will work out just great. i would hate to see this tradition come to an end mainly because of the numbers.

it will be a bittersweet reunion but one i am looking forward to. it was 2 months ago today that russ died. i felt a little out of it all day but got through it. i stopped at the in-patient unit and had a nice visit with marlene and glenda - 2 of the nurses that took care of russ. i also left a voice message for his home hospice nurse janine and hope to get together with her after thanksgiving.

even though there has been so much grief and sadness in my life, i still believe i have much to be thankful for. i know russ is no longer suffering and is whole again with my mom. as much as i miss them both i cherish the wonderful memories i have and all of the extended family i will be surrounded by on thanksgiving. God is good.

to all of my "other" extended family, i wish you peace on thanksgiving and pray you have a good day.


Lori1955 said...

WOW over 60 people? Huge! Have a great time.

StefanieRose said...

That sounds like so much fun. I hope you have a wonderful day Nancy. Your dad wants you to be so happy.

~Betsy said...

I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving, Nancy. Enjoy your family!

SKYGIRL said...

Sounds really fun, Nancy! A whole church full of family, wow!

I know you will miss Russ, and your Mom terribly, but you must be so proud to see the 'clan' they have created!

You wont be lonely!

Have a wonderful time, and drive carefully!

Joanne said...

Wow, over 60 relatives in the same room!! I can't even imagine that. How wonderful that everyone continues to pass the torch from one year to the next. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. As for the Packers...great game. Farve deserved his turkey trophy. ;)

¸.•*´)ღ¸.•*´Chris said...

Go Packers!
Hope things went well yesterday. I thought about you being so close to me yesterday as we were heading out to Homer Glen to be with my daughter, her boyfriend and his parents and family. Soooo close!!! Someday soon sweetie, we will meet!
Hope your Thanksgiving as a blessed one.