Friday, October 12, 2007

death certificate

russ' death certificate arrived in the mail today from the funeral home. it took over 3 weeks to receive it. i think part of the reason was that he died at my home and the funeral director handling his burial was 3+ hours away. a different funeral home is listed on the death certificate, it was the one that picked up his body until the other one could drive down to get it. the process at the time went very smoothly actually but i think it may have been what caused the delay, having to pass through many hands.

it seems very strange to me to actually read the piece of paper that states russ is gone. it somehow makes it more permanent. the only thing i feel good about is the reason that was listed on the certificate. it states "end stage dementia" (interval between onset and death - "years"). it is the truth. there were no secondary causes or contributing factors listed, just end stage dementia. that is what happened, plain and simple. AD robbed russ of his precious life, end of story.


SKYGIRL said...

Oh Nanc. All of these reminders must feel like a slap in the face.

I feel pretty 'useless' in the suggestion department, since I have not lost either Parent, yet. But I can only imagine (or try to) what it takes to get through it.

I think expressing your feelings is important, if only through your Blog. It is good for you to get them up & out, of your body.

I am still praying for you & your family Nancy, and will tomorrow Night in Church. Let me know if you would like for me to put another prayer request in too.

They do a group prayer on Wednesday Nights.


Hang-Tight! You're a Good-Girl, and your Dad is still mighty proud!

Unknown said...

When I picked up some certificates from my brother I looked in my files for mom's death certificate. I'm carrying both of them around with me.

Lori1955 said...

I know what you mean about the death certificate making it final. There is just something about seeing it in writing.
Helen's stated cardiopulmonary arrest(interval minutes) and Alzheimer's type dementia (interval years). I thought that was kind of stupid. Of course her heart stopped beating and she stopped breathing! She wouldn't be dead otherwise.
Sorry, didn't mean to go on a rant. I'm just angry alot lately.

StefanieRose said...

((((((NANCY))))))) I wish that hug was real but its all I have.

~Betsy said...

Dad's death certificate read myocardial infarction. I thought it should read death by Alzheimer's caregiving. But I know what you mean by the finality of it. I had to order more copies because of all the tasks left to complete. It just drove it home to me how much he never expected to die.

I wish you peace, Nancy. This is such a difficult time and I want you to know I think of you often.

Blessings and {{{{{hugs}}}}}

Joanne said...

Dad's death certificate read Vascular Dementia due to cerebrovascular accident with left Hemiparesis. I know what you mean about it making everything final.

((HUGS)) My thoughts and prayers are with you always.

¸.•*´)ღ¸.•*´Chris said...

Mom's took about 3 weeks too and it was all done at the same finral home. I still find it difficult to look at it. it just doesn't seem real.
What IS real is our love for our LO's and the devotion we have for them, even in death. Hugs to you Nancy. Please take care.

~Betsy said...

Just checking in on you, Nancy. I hope you had a lovely weekend.

¸.•*´)ღ¸.•*´Chris said...

Hi Nancy, just passing through too. Hope you had a relaxing weekend. In response to your question, yes, he is in Peoria.
You take care of yourself, ok?